How to Bumble Your Way Through a Blog Rebrand

How to Bumble Your Way Through a Blog Rebrand

In the previous post, I mentioned the need to rebrand. Now, let’s talk about how to go about making it happen. Before we get too far down the road, let me state the obvious—I’m not a branding expert.

Had I been an expert, I wouldn’t have initially selected Building Income as a brand name, thereby necessitating a rebrand. However, I’m not afraid of change or some bumbles along the way. With that said, let’s get to work.

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Don’t be Afraid of Change

Don’t be Afraid of Change

If you’ve never been here, then everything looks as it should. Feel free to skip this post and move on to the next article. However, if you’ve visited the site before, you might notice some big changes. It’s gone through a rebranding, and if you give me a few minutes, I’ll tell you why it happened.

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Why Do People Hate Sales?

Why Do People Hate Sales?

I recently watched a video from Chris Ducker on how to not sound like a sleazy salesman in your blog content. Chris then made the audacious claim that content marketers are worth more than a salesperson. While the actual content of that video was very good, the video's hook grated me due to the characterization of salespeople.

You see, we’re an easy target.

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